Personal Notes — Distributed DBs

Joshgun Huseynov
2 min readSep 10, 2021


The dark side of the CAP:

Among other things, this means that standard database replication is not strongly consistent. As anyone whose read replicas have drifted from the master knows, special logic must be introduced to handle replication lag.

That said, consistency which is both instantaneous and global is impossible. The universe simply does not permit it. So the goal here is to push the time resolutions at which the consistency breaks down to a point where we no longer notice it. Just don’t try to act outside your own light cone…

The only fault considered by the CAP theorem is a network partition (i.e. nodes remain up, but the network between some of them is not working). That kind of fault absolutely does happen, but it’s not the only kind of thing that can go wrong: nodes can crash or be rebooted, you can run out of disk space, you can hit a bug in the software, etc. In building distributed systems, you need to consider a much wider range of trade-offs, and focussing too much on the CAP theorem leads to ignoring other important issues.

Also, the CAP theorem says nothing about latency, which people tend to care about more than availability. In fact, CAP-available systems are allowed to be arbitrarily slow to respond, and can still be called “available”. Going out on a limb, I’d guess that your users wouldn’t call your system “available” if it takes 2 minutes to load a page.



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